Currently, Swarm requests look for a minimal number of experts and loop them into the collaboration. It does not account for resource working hours or availability etc.

Since we already have Teams integration into Dynamics 365, we can leverage this and map specific skills into one or more Teams channels (apart from adding experts to specific skills)

This way, when there is a request for a specific skill, Swarm can automatically post a collaboration request in the respective Teams channels that have been mapped to the skill.

And anyone who is part of the channel can accept the collaboration request and join the Swarm. This way, it opens up the option of unlimited SME collaboration options.

In the Swarm, we can show the skill of every resource based on resource-skill mapping, which we will have in the Swarm.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

This feature is one of our top priorities in the Teams collaboration space. 



Note that this feature can also be provided with a toggle (where users can choose if they want SMEs to be invited individually or if they want it posted in a Teams channel).

Also had a discussion with the PM Pratichi Dash on this feature and she has acknowledged this idea.

Category: Teams Collaboration