When entering lines in either sales or purchase documents there is normally no use case where the quantity should be different than 1. It would be great to default quantity to 1 when GL Account Line is entered in either purchase or sales document.




After discussing the possible solution on Yammer there is a following suggestion:

When entering a purchase/sales line of type G/L Account, we should default the quantity to 1, dependent on a setting in S&R Setup and P&P Setup, similar to what we already have for S&R default item quantity.

  1. The current default item quantity for purchases could use the field "Reorder Quantity" from the item records, defaulting to 1 if that field is zero. For sales it should be 1.
  2. The default for G/L Accounts (and other types?) should be 1.
  3. In all cases we should raise an event that allows a subscriber to suggest a different number, dependent on the item no. or account no.

Category: Financial Management