When you go to a list view, it is always shown in a default sorting order. E.g. sales orders are shown with the lowest number first. You can then click the topic and the sorting order changes to showing the highest number first. We would like that BC could remember the last sorting order used in a list form.

You can make you own filter where it will remeber the sorting order, but then you also have to click on that filter (instead of the topic), as it starts with the default filter "All". It is not possible to save changes to the default filter.

It would be useful if the system could remeber the last sorting order for each user, so one user could have customers order by name and another by number, as well as showing the newest orders first instead of the oldest.

(I found a simular idea in this forum, where it was refered to a solution, but I do not see that the solution solves the described problem/feature)
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



Share this link to other colleages so they can also put out a vote on this issue. So MS can hurry up the process...

Category: General


It is absoluty mindboggeling that default functions like 'remember last sorting' does this long to implement !!So we can only put this issue on 'your' prio-list untill it get more votes. But most people doesn't know how to get here, let alone be able to 'vote'. 😠

Category: General


I got the exact same question from a customer.I'm new to BC and I was quite surprised that this feature is not supported.In my opinion this should be included in the Personalize option ?

Category: General


Let the sorting be changed by user and let Business Central remember the latest sorting that the user has defined.

Category: General


This is absolutly a question our customers also asks for!

Category: General