Weight and volume are visible on a shipment - but these are only display fields. In order to prioritise classify shipments according to weight and/or volume during automatic or manual wave creation it would be highly advantageous to add two new data fields to allow filtering/sorting in wave templates and wave filters.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback! This is a good code refactoring candidate that will empower user and super user in their daily work.

We will add it to our backlog, but we have not prioritized it yet.

Keep the feedback coming!


Philippe Jacobsen

PM, Microsoft 



having weights and other dimensions on the product variant would be useful in warehousing too so as to more accurately plan loads. The defaults on the product record do not often align with the product variant where a small size is different in weight and dimensions to a large sized item.

Category: Warehouse Management


As a partner I added Shipment statistics numerous times and now as a customer find this extremely useful.
In addition to Total volume, Total weight, Nr of lines, Nr of units we also added:
From zone and To zone. These relate to lowest and highest alphabetic zones we expect to pick from, based on the fixed locations of items on the shipment. This helps with work template filtering. I can tell whether a shipment will be picked from a single or multiple zones, and generate work with the appropriate steps.
We also added Work statistics, all the above to the work header, with the addition of From/To location, based on the locations on the pick lines. As per Franz earlier suggestion, these are all Initial values, generated once (with no noticeable overhead) and not maintained ongoing.
Together this is extremely powerful in being able to assign shipments to wave templates and drive work templates off the shipment stats. From/To location/zone on the work then aids cluster building for efficient picking.
However in addition to being useful for the above functionality, we use these statistics endlessly in filtering, grouping, reporting, issue diagnosis, performance monitoring etc. They are so very use in many ways - far more than might originally be apparent.

Category: Warehouse Management


Fields to be added to the shipment:
Total volume
Total weight
Nr of lines
Nr of units

Category: Warehouse Management


Please add the total units along with the weight and volume as implemented in the "Sales order confirmations (CustConfirmJour)" table

Category: Warehouse Management


Note that this must functionality must be realized in line with the new shipment consolidation functionality, so whenever new order lines are added to the shipment, the volume and weight must be updated.

The labels can be called "Calculated volume" with help text: "Initial calculated volume of the shipment"
"Calculated weight" with help text: "Initial calculated weight of the shipment" to avoid the need to update in case of reduced work lines, changed weights/volumes on the product etc.

Category: Warehouse Management


We already did this for a customer, and would prefer it to be in the standard product.

Category: Warehouse Management


Strongly agree

Category: Warehouse Management


Strongly agree

Category: Warehouse Management