At our customer, there are physically 3 warehouses: an inbound, outbound and production warehouse.
We want to implement D365 with WMS3.
What are best practices to achieve this?
Best and more reflecting the real-life situation is working with 3 different WMS enabled warehouses, but this brings a lot of more workload: transfer orders.
It happens for example that when registering some goods at the inbound warehouse, that they should be immediately transferred to the production or outbound warehouse. As location directives are warehouse specific, a transfer order should be created to achieve this.
I am a bit afraid that even the simplest setup will bring a lot of overloads to the processes. But, when working with 1 warehouse and for example with zones, we do not have a clear overview of the current stock of for example an item in each physical warehouse.
We were looking for having a documentation from Microsoft about best practices on how to implement this in an as easiest way as possible.
I contacted already some functional consultants, but unfortunately no one actually worked already with multiple WMS3 enabled warehouses.
Administrator on 12/6/2023 7:21:37 AM
Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be related to customer project implementations and not a specific product feature enhancement suggestion.
Based on the information provided many different implementation options can be evaluated, but in any case, require detailed knowledge about the project. Quick thoughts would be to evaluate:
- Inventory statuses
- Warehouse management only mode
Per Lynnerup
PM, Microsoft