When you send transfer order from warehouse X to warehouse Y, you can do the receipt in the warehousing app via the license plate receiving & put away function. This is fast and and efficient way to do the receipt process. However, you do not have the possibility to change the quantity in case of an under delivery. It would be good when you get an option/function in the warehousing app which gives the user the possibility to change the quantity in case of an under delivery. In the background the received quantity should be updated automatically on the transfer order line.
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There does need to be an exceptions handling method on intercompany transfers. The issue that would need to be handled is the variance quantity under/over reported. Where would that quantity go? The shipping warehouse shows it having left but the receiving warehouse says they did not receive it. There would need to be a follow up process to determine who's bottom line is impacted by the variance.
Category: Warehouse Management