When you set Business Rules for hide any field in form, it is still viewable in Print preview.
Please provide any setting to hide field even in Print preview.

1. Log on to Dynamics CRM Online
2. Open [Settings] - [Customizations] - [Customize the System]
3. Select any Entity (*In this case choose "Case" entity), and open [Business Rules]
4. Click on [New], and open "New Rule" window
5. Enter any "Rule Name", and set rule as following condition

CONDITION: "Product" "Does not contain"
ACTION: "Set visibility" "Entitlement" "Hide field"

6. Click on [Save] and close "New Rule" window
7. Back to "Customize the System" window, then click on [Activate]
8. Click on [Publish All Customization]

When you go to [Service] - [Cases], and open any case, "Entitlement" field is hiding.
However when you open case by [Print preview], it is visible.
