On the customer and vendor rebate agreement list screens, the Start Date and Expiry Date columns should have standard filter and sort capabilities. There is no downward carrot on these two columns, so I can't filter or sort from grid. The standard view default sort is on Start Date ascending, which is not what we would want. As time progresses, the agreements with the oldest start date are typically the ones that are expired and the user does not want to focus on those.

I tried to use the Funnel to filter… still can't select these fields. They aren't on the list.
I used Options/Advanced filter and sort. There I cannot add these fields for filtering, but I can choose them for sorting. So the best I can do is create a personal view to sort Expiry date descending, so longest running agreement comes to the top and the expired ones go to the bottom. But this is an insufficient workaround. We want to be able to filter the list so only the active agreements (those with Expiry date in the future) are shown, and currently we can not do any filtering.

I will also add the AX 2012 did not have this restriction.
Ideas Administrator

Appreciate you taking the time to feedback. We however do not have any plans to provide this support for SCM Sales and Marketing.