User uses cycle counting with mobile device. After finish the working, if there exists adjustment, user needs to accept count.
In the "Accept count" process, system will post a counting journal. This journal is automatically posted and user is unable to edit this journal.
This means that if the journal does not contain eligible financial dimension, it's unable to post it. This means it's unable to "Accept count". But there is no way to edit the journal, except for editinh item master financial dimensions or setting default dimension for account.
However, these workarounds are not optimal. Not to mention that when the Account structure is updated, system will demand different financial dimension required and the inventory staff cannot control the change of account structure.
The expected behavior is that system should allow user to edit the journal of counting created by mobile device.
Needs Votes



We are having a lot of problems posting the result of cycle counts due to the fact that we can not set the right financial dimensions in the journal. There really needs to be some way to decide on the financial dimensions before posting.

Category: Warehouse Management