
the user's curernt firmat in personalization settings is set to "English (United States)", short date format is M/d/yyyy.

When I’m entering a date with year in 2-digits format (4/29/20) and click on another field or press TAB button - the value that has been entered is wiped out (screenshots: http://prntscr.com/senwj7 http://prntscr.com/senwyp)

After I changed the format settings to M/d/yy - date (4/29/20) is not getting wiped out, but when I enter 4/29/2020 - this doesn't work. So, users should enter the date value straightly in the selected format.

In classic web interface when I’m entering the value in 2-digits format and go to another field by pressing TAB key or left mouse button clicking – the value is converted to selected format and is not wiped out (screenshots: http://prntscr.com/senyq5 http://prntscr.com/senzmo )

Could this behavior be achieved in unified interface?
This behavior is user friendly and helps eliminate the need of entering the year value in 4-digits format every time.
Users would like the date values to be displayed in the selected format, but enter the date in either 2- or 4-digit format, like they are used to in classic interface.
Needs Votes



MS Support suggested to submit an idea
Support request ID: 120040822000102

Category: Unified Experience: Search, navigation and performance