We have many shipments that have not been invoiced and never will. These build up over time and are very difficult to remove from the system. A process to void these would be very helpful.
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider this functionality for a future release.  

I would recommend entering an Enter/Match Invoice transaction. Then enter the subtotal amount into the "Trade Discount" field. This would zero out the invoice. In distributions, it will clear the Accrued Purchase account and I would set the default offset for these type of vendors so it is tracked properly. It would offset/lower COGS


Best regards. 

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I would recommend entering an Enter/Match Invoice transaction. Then enter the subtotal amount into the "Trade Discount" field. This would zero out the invoice. In distributions, it will clear the Accrued Purchase account and I would set the default offset for these type of vendors so it is tracked properly. It would offset/lower COGS

Category: Distribution - Purchase Order Processing


A wash/clear transaction that you could designate which lines to clear so they clear out of the AP account also. There are times where the quantities vary slightly and they stay waiting for another invoice when we won't get one.

Category: Distribution - Purchase Order Processing


In this instance, if you void or cancel the shipment, my expectation would be that this would reverse the item quantity from Inventory.  Or if you close the PO, then the cost of the item would be adjusted to reflect that it has no cost because it wasn't paid for.  What is your expectation in both of these instances, voiding or closing.  how does this impact Inventory cost and quantity.
Theresa Nistler

Category: Distribution - Purchase Order Processing


This is a really common issue that sites experience.
It is amazing how common it is for a supplier to not invoice for all the goods received for one reason or another. Thousands of PO end up in limbo.
This leaves some very difficult decisions after a few years when you know (in reality) an invoice will never be received for the items.

Category: Distribution - Purchase Order Processing