Outlook 2013 With CRM 2013 and roaming profiles creates up to 2 minutes delay opening Outlook.

The delay is caused by writing the the cachefiles in %localappdata%\Microsoft\MSCRM\Client once each logon.

This is percieved by the users as a hanging situation, and we recieve dailiy complaints of the slow Outlook startup time.

I suggest moving either all these files or just the Metadata*.sdf to %appdata% to lower the Outlook startup delay to a more reasonable level.

Ideas Administrator


We are not planning any enhancements to outlook client. Thanks for the feedback. I believe this only happens for roaming profile scenarios.



We have just rolled out the CRM 2015 client for Outlook and unfortunately we see this problem again in this version of the client. It would be highly appreciated if Microsoft would fix this.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Another suggestion is making it possible to select location for the cachefiles, so that it can reside on different location (network drive or similar). Preferably centrally managed (gpo or CRM-settings). This will allow for flexible storage without Outlook-startup delays or logon-delays without redirecting the entire %appdata%..

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Thank you for this feedback! I've forwarded your comments and a link to this page to our Development Lead.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration


Hi, We also face the same issue. We are using Outlook 2010 and CRM 2011. We also use Outlook 2010 on Citrix. So when the users login onto a Citrix Server, the *.sdf files are created/copied into user's %localappdata% folder. So the copying/creating of these *.sdf files takes about 4-5 minutes and users complain that Outlook 2010 has crashed/hanging. User profiles are deleted when they logoff from Citrix as users can login to any of the 140 Citrix server when they next login. The workaround of copying the *.sdf files to a network share and copying these files back to users %appdatafolder% on login is not feasible as this will increase the logoff and login times and take up the network bandwidth. The *.sdf files are about 100 MB in size due to a number of customizations in CRM teannt. We also have the %appdata% folder redirected to Network Share but as the *.sdf files are stored in %localappdata% hence the issue. Could the CRM Outlook client behaviour be changed so that the *.sdf files are created in %appdata% instead of %localappdata%.

Category: Microsoft Office Integration