In connection with the latest outage (going on 21 hours) of LCS and limited information thereof I encourage you to create a public general available website with information regarding, but not limited to: 1: Current overall status of LCS 2: Current ongoing issues, plan regarding mitigation and timeframe 3: Status of ongoing issues Pending ongoing issues should be updated,at a minimum, every 3rd hour.
I think this would save a lot of lost time to admin due to duplicated effort with DSE updating CSS (Support), CSS updating partners, partners updating clients. It should be an easy way to get the information out in one go.
Category: Lifecycle Services
I fully agree!
Category: Lifecycle Services
Would be good with the "promised" Replication of the site to EU Also.
Category: Lifecycle Services
And a History page is also nice, just like the Azure status page
Category: Lifecycle Services
Category: Lifecycle Services
@Kim Jørgensen, it's an admin portal that not everyone has access too. This should be available for all, like the Azure status page
Category: Lifecycle Services
Maybe also get insight in planned maintenance actions, if there are any.
Category: Lifecycle Services
Does this site not cover your issue?
Category: Lifecycle Services
Yes please, the last two days has been frustrating
Category: Lifecycle Services
Lane Swenka (administrator) on 3/11/2020 7:06:28 PM
Thanks for your feedback! We will review this ask.