Currently there is no way to assign Item Charge to a Direct Transfer. Currently only Receipt Lines, Sales Shipment Lines, Transfer Receipt Lines, Return Receipt Lines and Return Shipment Lines can have Item Charges Assigned. But there can be also Item Charge asociated with Direct Trans. Line. I propose a functionality to also assign charges to Direct Transfer Lines should be added to Item Charge Assignment page.

This will provide business with grater flexibility, allowing them to better tailor the system to their specific needs and requirements.

Practical example:

Company is importing goods to location A. After customs official inspect the goods they issue some import charges. At this point goods must be transfered to location B and custom's charges must be added. Goods are not physicaly shipped/moved, just the paper trail for this move must exist, goods stay at the same location. As there is no movment, direct transfer is good option as this also creates cleaner/simpler item ledger, but then the charges cannot be added. This way also has a benefit over regular transfer of less Item Ledger Entries created (2 instead of 4), which can have large impact if there is a lot of goods moved in such way.

Let's make this happen.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



We need this too!

Category: Financial Management