When running tests with Data events we discovered that order is not always consistent with inserts/updates happening in F&O.

I have created custom Table with Entity on top of that; the Data Event is sending CUD messages to Azure Service Bus Queue.

Running code to perform 1xinsert and then 5xupdate, each in separate transaction, I managed to receive 'Update 3' message before the 'Insert' in the queue (albeit not consistently).

Suggestion: ensure order of events is guaranteed to happen in the same order as in F&O.

Alternatively - introduce 'ControlNumber' like in Business Events that would be guaranteed to be incremental so that consuming part can make informed decision regarding the order of processing of events.

Link to Yammer thread: Yammer : Finance and Operations Insider Program : View Conversation

Category: Data Management
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the product idea for improving data events! We'll continue to gather votes and feedback on this feature to help us prioritize it for a future release.