Standard Triggers, created and provided by Microsoft when you install D365 Marketing, allow us to access an entire related entity record and not just a field value. For example, the Event Registration Created trigger gives us access to the related Event record to pull all kinds of information about the Event.
Please enable/allow us to do this in Custom Event Triggers as well. Today, when you create a custom event trigger - you add/define a set of attributes. Those attributes map to single field values and is limited to 8 (I think) attributes. Unfortunately, there are times where this is not sufficient and we need a lot more information.
When we create a new custom event trigger - and we add attributes - please allow us to add related entity records as well. For example: my custom event trigger notifies me when a Contact has a question about an event. I would like it to pass me their most recent related Event Registration record, the related Event record of that Registration, the related Session records, etc.
This is now ready to be deployed as part of the August release.
Category: Event Triggers
This has been added to the feature roadmap and is being worked on for delivery
Category: Event Triggers
Administrator on 5/5/2023 2:35:37 PM
This is currently being worked on and should be included in the June release.