We email a Confirmation Order for every sales order by specifying the Send To Email address in the DOCUMENT LAYOUTS for each customer. For most customers, this works exactly as expected and Confirmation Orders go to the address specified.

However, we also have several “child” customer accounts with a separate “parent” Bill-to Customer No. (usually individual stores that belong to a larger chain). These child accounts place their orders with us directly and want to receive their own Confirmation Orders, so we specify the child’s email address in the child’s DOCUMENT LAYOUTS just like we would for a non-child customer record (one that does not have a Bill-to Customer No. specified).

Unfortunately, BC doesn’t look to see if there is a destination specified for the child customer, and instead sends the Confirmation Order to the Send To Email specified in the parent’s DOCUMENT LAYOUTS settings.

It seems to us that BC should look at the child DOCUMENT LAYOUTS first to see if there is a destination specified. If it sees one, it should use that, and if it does not see one, it should look to the parent DOCUMENT LAYOUTS. The existing logic that bypasses the child altogether may be sound for invoices (because the bill should obviously go to the parent), but it doesn’t work for situations like this where the child needs to receive a report that the parent doesn’t.

It also seems to us that our proposed logic – first look at the child record and then at the parent record – would provide the flexibility to accommodate any customer scenario: If the Confirmation Order should go to the child, specify a destination on the child, and if it should go to the parent, specify a destination on the parent but not on the child. Similarly, if an Invoice should go to the parent, specify a destination on the parent and not on the child, and if it should go to the child, specify a destination on the child.

Thank you for your consideration!
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



Completely agree with the comments here already and have this situation myself. The child and parent both need copies of the document. Easy to do if the child account is looked at because you can include both email addresses. But it doesn't work at the parent level because they have multiple children.

If you simply look to the child first for settings, and if they exist use them, and if they don't, go to the parent, the situation would be resolved.

No changes needed to any other functions.

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence


We have the same problem with our clients.

It seems that the default logic is that if you have the BILL-TO customer activated for a child, BC assumes parent email settings prevail. This even extends if the email settings on the PARENT are blank - the email tries to send to a blank address.

It also makes no difference if you use document layouts on the CHILD to try and override - the PARENT email settings prevails.

That logic is flawed because it assumes a 1-to-1 relationship of parent to child. This doesnt for customers with several locations - eg customer chain - where CHILD needs a copy of documents, but the PARENT pays the invoice & needs a combined statement.

Ultimately - you should be able to nominate for each document type - whether to use the PARENT or CHILD email settings.

Category: Reports and Business Intelligence