When the user performs a 'Recall' and 'Submit' workflow in the ‘Pending vendor Invoices’ form, one right after the other, two SysWorkflowMessageTable records are correct created. But when the batch job (Class name SysWorkflowMessageQueueManager) handles the records they are not always processed in the right order. Sometimes it seems that the submit record is processed before recall record and the vendor invoice ends up with status Draft (VendInvoiceInfoTable.RequestStatus), but a user is assign to the workflow (valid record in table WorkflowWorkItemTable). When this happens, the user can submit the workflow again which creates a third record for processing, and two records now exist in table WorkflowWorkItemTable.

1. Accounts payable\Invoices\Pending vendor invoices
2. Find invoice with status In review
3. Click Workflow\Recall --> Recall
4. Click Workflow\Submit -->Submit
5. Wait for the batch job to run
6. Refresh form, status on invoice are draft.