There are no travel fields similar to airline fields (to/from, departure/arrival, etc.) that can be applied to other forms of travel like rail or bus. Would it be possible to create a more generic set of fields for these types of merchants? This would make the DFP tool even more appealing to merchants that do business in those alternate forms of travel.


If it eases things, perhaps DFP could repurpose the fields already present with some slight modifications highlighted in yellow below?


"flightSegments": [


           "airlineCode": "string",

           "airlineName": "string",

           "operatedBy": "string",

           "flightNumber": "string",

           "departureDateTime": "2023-06-09T15:22:22.124Z",

           "arrivalDateTime": "2023-06-09T15:22:22.124Z",

           "fromAirportCode": "string",

           "fromAirportCity": "string",

           "fromAirportState": "string",

           "fromAirportZipcode": "string",

           "fromAirportCountryISO": "string",

           "toAirportCode": "string",

           "toAirportCity": "string",

           "toAirportState": "string",

           "toAirportZipcode": "string",

           "toAirportCountryISO": "string",

           "travelClass": "string",

           "segmentSequence": 0




"travelSegments": [


           "carrier(?)Code": "string",

           "carrier(?)Name": "string",

           "operatedBy": "string",

           "vehicle(?)Number": "string",

           "departureDateTime": "2023-06-09T15:22:22.124Z",

           "arrivalDateTime": "2023-06-09T15:22:22.124Z",

           "fromLocationCode": "string",

           "fromLocationCity": "string",

           "fromLocationtate": "string",

           "fromLocationZipcode": "string",

           "fromLocationCountryISO": "string",

           "toLocationCode": "string",

           "toLocationCity": "string",

           "toLocationState": "string",

           "toLocationZipcode": "string",

           "toLocationCountryISO": "string",

           "travelClass": "string",

           "segmentSequence": 0



Category: General