I would be great to have the ability to show and edit and filter the financial dimensions on the grid. This will help clients to easily identified the dimensions of the records across the system. Before AX2012 we have ability to put financial dimensions on the grid, without any modification. This was one of the most common requests that we received from our clients.

Category: General Ledger
Under Review



Please take into account our request to display dimensions in separate columns

Category: General Ledger


It would be great if this could work in a similar way to the display of inventory dimensions i.e. to flag the dimensions to display and save that setup. This would help with selection of financial dimensions on Sales/Purchase lines etc. where defaults do not come from item, customers or vendors.

Category: General Ledger


I agree. This would be very helpful, and our users have been asking for this as well. With the recent grid filtering enhancements, they would be able to extract data by division, cost centre (whatever the dimension) much more efficiently than through reporting. Note that most of our reporting is in external systems so this would save a lot of time.

Category: General Ledger