Description: Function "Correct" and "cancel" of sales order delivery note is not working when the financial period of the product receipt is not open. There is standard information that Period is not open. This is often happening that the correction of the document is being done the next month and, in such case, system should automatically take the date of correction not the old document date.
Error message:
Financial period for 10/18/2022 is not open. Posting has been cancelled.
Request: The functions "Correct" and "cancel" should work properly for editing Propses even if the financial period of comment isn't opened.
Administrator on 12/9/2022 10:53:18 AM
This forum is for new features enhancements request. If the fiscal period is closed the date of the conrrection or cancellation with move to the next open fiscal period.
You maybe pointing out a bug, a design limitation, or an incomplete setup that you should log through the support channels to have assessed.