The Delete and Update functions with the standard connector only work in the context of the default company of the service acccount. I am not sure why you would not put the legal entity/company into this sort of function. This approach means if we want to use the standard connector in an implementation of 100 legal entities you would need a service account for each because it uses the service account default company?

The suggestion, because this is a known limitation of the connector is to use a generic http connector instead, which will enable you to use the cross company parameter, by developing it yourself.

Why not make the standard connector work by adding the parameter everyone would use unless it was a single entity implementation?

As posted in Yammer here: https://www.yammer.com/dynamicsaxfeedbackprograms/#/threads/show?threadId=792382916771840
Category: Data Management
Needs Votes



This would really help to get the integrations working with the simplicity that is expected from interconnecting PowerApps/Flow and such with D365FO without building custom connectors...
In the presented case, we need to add a service account for each new entity and change the logic of the connector with an additional authentication. This just doesn't work.

Category: Data Management