Wish there is an option to easily feature on ERP option to trace data record and key record administration (finance and marketing) value administration and wall posting content, for example:
REMARK: There is no ledger main account posting for data record administration finance and marketing value when: Acquiring and/or potentially loosing a customer, vendor partner, employee or an applicant.
REMARK: There is no ledger main account ledger posting for "e.g. community" data content wall posting and/or removals with time or period data value deferrals.
Data record administration gain
New customers record marketing: 10. $ 100
New customers record finance value: 5. $ 50
Removed customers record marketing: 2 $20
Removed customers record finance: 2 $10
Total: $180
New customers record marketing: 10. $ 80
New customers record finance value: 10. $ 45
Removed customers record marketing: 2 $15
Removed customers record finance value: 2 $10
Total: $150
Ledger main account new wall postings
Ledger main account wall posting removals
Wall posting marketing value $100
Wall posting finance value $ 45
Wall posting marketing removal removal $ 40
Wall posting finance removal value $ 25
Total: $205
Wish there is an option to easily visualize user platform data administration and marketing-finance value converted into records and record details drill to, form the trial balance, and trial balance inquiries/reports. Along from customers (users), inventory (digital wall postings)....
Oops!DATA INTANGIBLES DIGITAL INVENTORY CONTENTWall posting marketing value $100Wall posting finance value $ 45Wall posting marketing removal removal $ -40Wall posting finance removal value $ -25Total: $80
Category: General