We produce very complex machinery using assemblies.  Many of these are nested assemblies so one assembly order may have multiple sub-assemblies on it.  It would be VERY helpful to be able to explode all of these assemblies at once so that when we go to post that assembly or ship the associated sales order, the system can create all sub assemblies at once automatically for us.  

Without this functionality, if say we have 20 sub assemblies on one assembly order, the engineer is forced to go to each one and explode it individually.

Category: Manufacturing
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future.

Best regards,
Business Central Team



MS does not care about manufacturing and assembly module.Very bad.Try SAP or SAGE.

Category: Manufacturing


Das Entfalten der Stücklisten bis hin zur untersten Ebene ist eine sehr zeitintensive Aufgabe und könnte vereinfacht werden. Dazu kommt folgendes Problem:
Wenn mit Montagestücklisten gearbeitet wird und eine Baugruppe (ggf. mit mehreren Strukturebenen) eingekauft und nicht hergestellt wird, also mit Beschaffungsmethode "Einkauf", wird mir durch anzeigen "Montagestückliste" vorhanden immer vorgegaukelt dass ich mich um die Stückliste kümmern muss, obwohl sie eingekauft wird.

Category: Manufacturing


This should be standard for all manufacturing products. As planner and and/or purchaser you have to keep a big pictures about what are you needing. As it is now, you have to look an each and every level AND sub assembly to get there.
This is simply not efficient nor acceptable.

Category: Manufacturing