Presently, In Pos Discount amount is applied on final price i.e., (Qty * unit price= Final price), the Discount amount can be given to each Quantity in the Line Item i.e.,(unit price -discount= final price *qty).

2024 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your feedback. This feature ask is essentially about rounding behavior in pricing calculation. Commerce pricing engine today applies rounding to the net amount of a sales line, some customers want the rounding occurs at unit price level. We are going to release a Pricing management module, built on enhanced pricing engine, that works for both SCM and Commerce. In this module, a parameter will be offered for pricing managers to choose desired rounding logic that best suits their business needs. Stay tuned to our release plans for further updates on the GA date of this module. - Boyce Zhu, Principal Product Manager for Dynamics 365 Commerce