On the Schedule Board, currently all Resources that have type Equipment have the default user icon as their image. There is no way to upload individual images. I can upload images for Users which will then show up on the Schedule Board, but not Equipment. At the very least, the default image on the Schedule Board should be different for Equipment than it is for Users. But if I can upload an image for User, I should be able to upload an image for Equipment.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Hi Burke,

Thank you for your feedback. We do not have this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Vinay Nalam,

PM, Microsoft.



The system I'm developing for a customer will have a considerable number of equipment and facility resources,. Having the ability to add images for these resources would make the scheduling board considerably easier to use - in the same way as having images associated with entities in the general UI.

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling