In NAV, it was possible to configure profiles by making use of configuration mode. This way, you can change the lay-out of pages for each group of users, such as bookkeepers, warehouse workers… That way they only see the buttons and columns most relevant to them. In Business Central, there doesn't seem to be a configuration mode. We were wondering what the best way is in Business Central to customize profiles so that a group of users have the same personalization. It is only possible to change the lay-outs of pages for all users (using Designer modus) or for one user (using Personalisation modus). It is not efficient to change the designs of hundreds of pages user by user! Are we the only partner who finds this a huge problem?

Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback! We released this feature as part of the functionality in Business Central 2019 release wave 2. 

Your help was greatly appreciated, 
The Business Central team



I totally agree! Now need to personalize per user which is a pain as many roles use exactly the same configuration

Category: General


Why there is only 12 Profiles given in business central. And some basic profile related to Purchase & Production is not given.

Category: General


Role center configuration was a HUGE benefit to companies for both efficiency and training. By promoting, adding and showing items the users use frequently to be able to do their day to day jobs in 1-2 clicks by configuring the role centers was the advantage of NAV RTC. This along with the missing role centers need to come back to BC ASAP!

Category: General