Users can setup recurring batch jobs for the "Inventory aging report storage", "Inventory on-hand report storage" and "Inventory value report storage" features but there isn't any type of recurring cleanup for this data. It would be helpful if the jobs had options to delete data that was more than a certain number of days old or if there were separate jobs that could be configured and schedule to delete the old data. Otherwise users have to go in and delete it periodically to prevent the tables from growing very large with old unused data.
Category: Inventory
Needs Votes



This functionality should have been included when the original feature was released. It doesn't really make sense to have a report storage without any way to clean up.

Category: Inventory


100% required

Category: Inventory


Further to the above, the ability to multi-select and delete would also be useful in the absence of a purge / cleanup option.

Category: Inventory


I have encountered the same requirement as this. "Inventory aging report storage" being captured periodically and builds up large amount of data (in this case being sync'd to ADLS and reported across). Removing instances needs to be done manually to remove obsolete data.

An alterative or variation would be to allow the content to overwrite rather than creating new instances as an option and then obsolete data would not need to accumulate.

Category: Inventory