An allocation percentage needs to be applied to only one of several dimensions that are assigned to a journal or document line. Whenever an amount is entered to an account, one of the dimensions requires allocation by percentage while the others do not. Allocation Accounts could work if it would be possible to select a Destination Dimension Type of "Inherit from Parent". If this is selected on the line along with a dimension code, the Dimension Value of the parent line would be used/preserved.

This would allow companies that need to allocate expenses across multiple dimension values for select dimension codes assigned on a line to use Allocation Accounts. Currently, these allocations need to be done manually.

If you make this change, assigning an Allocation Account No. on the Recurring General Journal using Recurring Method BD Balance by Dimension will become more usable for users that do this monthly based on a set of dimension filters applied to a specific account.




Since posting this request, I have determined that Allocation Accounts assigned to purchase documents is working as requested by reassigning only the dimension indicated in the allocation account. All other dimension values appear to be preserved. These allocation accounts for dimension reassignment also appear to be working as I hoped when a deferral code is assigned to the document line. This is GREAT!

However, I still can't seem to get the results I need when using Allocation Account in recurring gen journal for line type of BD Balance by Dimension. Maybe what I am expecting to happen is not realistic. In fact, if we use the Allocation Account on the purchase document line as explained above, we have no need to do reallocations monthly with a recurring journal. May be a mute point.

If anyone else can add additional information using the allocation account with recurring journal, I would appreciate it.

Category: Financial Management