When applying filters to date fields on pages, date formulas can be used (TODAY, +1D, -2D, ...) Saving the page filters as a view takes into account these date formulas. When opening the view on a later date, the date filters applied are recalculated, since the date formula seems to be stored internally.

We would like to have the same behavior on the job queue report request page options. When scheduling a report to be ran periodically, often the data on the report is to be filtered as well. When using the same dateformula filters on date field of the report dataset, the dates are stored fixed and the formulas are lost / not recalculated when the report is ran on another date.
Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in Schedule Background Jobs with Date Formula. 
Please refer to the following link for more information: 

Business Central Team



I would like to have this function too. Example for setting upp a job queue for Batch Post Sales Orders. I would like that job to run every working day at the end of the day with the setting of "Current workdate" and for that date (always todays date) to replace posting and document date and to jsut post the orders that are Completely Shipped. But now I can only enter a set date and I can't use the booleans for replacing the date. If I select "Yes" for replacing the dates they are set to "no" when I open the Report Request Page again. And if I let this job run the date will always be the set day that I entered and it does not update to the current date that I want.

Category: General


This is a very goot idea, and as Manish Patel said, Date formula in Job Queue entry is for other purpose than the idea itself. Please reopen it.

Category: General


What was released isn't what Frédéric had suggested. The feature that was released allows users to use date formula to define when to run the scheduled job - i.e. "CM+1D" in the 'Next Run Date Formula' field will schedule a report on the first day of the next month.

This feature is actually not useful if you're scheduling a report where you have to define a date filter - i.e. if you want schedule an Income Statement to run on the 8th day of each month for the previous month's results.

If you use the date formula in the date filter, assume today is 14/06/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY), "CM-2M+1D..CM-1M" this will give the result "01/05/2021..31/05/2021" - this formula on the date filter doesn't recalculate. The same report will run every time it's scheduled to run. The expectation is that when this runs in July, I get the Income Statement for June, when this runs in August, I get the Income Statement for July and so on. I don't want the Income Statement for May, every month which is what will happen because the date filter formula isn't recalculated.

Category: General