Currently, there is not much information about integration of Remote Assist and Field Service. If the function to link the history (e.g. PDF or pictures) with a work order in Field Service is available, please list the information on Microsoft Docs. If the function is unavailable, please add the function. [Actual Results] There is no information in Microsoft Docs. Even the information that the function is available or not. [Expected Results] We want to see an information about the function in Microsoft Docs. And the function will be available.

Category: General
Under Review



Hi Genki,

Thank you for you comment. Currently Remote Assist does support capturing of images on the HoloLens and then posting them to the work order. However we do not support other file types at this time. Those types of files are shared from or live on the user's OneDrive for Business storage. I've put the idea into our backlog though I'm not committing on time when this would be implemented.
Thank you

Category: General