I would like to have the possibility to have attributes or free fields available on dimension values. For example if I have a dimension for e.g. a Port Call (marine shipping) I would not mind being able to also assign other relevant information about this port call (numeric) such as the port code and estimated and actual date of arrival and departure to that dimension value for use in views and reports.

In a previous practical case, the dimension value had a lot of additional general fields like address with postcode, planned and actual start and end date, employee no., extratext etc. which could be freely used. In the example with the dimension Port Call above we loaded all possible ports (UN/LOCODE) in the general postcode register having port code (e.g. DK CPH) as postcode and full name as city (Copenhagen). By having the possibility to use these general dimension value attributes we could enter the port code in the dimension value attribute for postcode on the Port Call dimension value to automatically retrieve also the full name of the port and also use the additional attributes such as the start and end date for ETA and ETD (estimated time of arrival/departure). All this without any tweaking but just using free attributes.

Please correct me if I am missing something basic (I have tried to search the forum).
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team