When posting interest note for open transactions, due date is not displayed correctly and terms of payment do not take effect. Posted interest note should be calculated by Due date from transaction date + terms of payment set in customer’s form. However, the system inherits this due date from the original transaction and this is wrong. Definition of due date has to be manual instead of it being calculated automatically – process should be the same as for collection letters. Similar to collection letters having automatically calculated due date, the interest notes of the customers can have some period of time before payment of interests is due. The request is to have due date for every transaction in posted interest notes displayed correctly.

Under Review



Per customer's request this is the updated description of the Idea:


Due date of posted interest note should be calculated as: transaction date of posted interest note + terms of payment set in customer’s form. However, the system inherits this due date from the transaction date of posted interest note, which is wrong. Modification of due date currently has to be manual in Customer open transactions form for each posted interest note transaction, instead of the interest note due date being calculated automatically – process should be the same as for collection letters.

The request is to have transaction due date of every posted interest note calculated depending on customer's terms of payment.

Category: Credit and collections