Name of product is necessary to avoid confusion & save time (rather than searching through another screen the name of product related to sku number(s) we may have to update or look at.Thank you for your help.
Category: Sales and marketing
We are preparing to go live with Dynamics and are wondering why the name is not visible there as well. It would indeed be verry usefull! Please consider... Best reagrds,
Category: Sales and marketing
I agree that this would be a benefit to have product name visible when "TABLE" is the item relation on the trade agreement journal line. And if a "GROUP" is used as the relation, then display the description of the group code in that same column of the grid. if "All" is the relation, then just leave the column blank. Same goes for Account - should how name of customer or vendor, name of group or blank if "All" is used.
Category: Sales and marketing
Displaying the product name next to the item number would be an immense help, saving both time and errors. It's sort of puzzling as to why this is not a feature already. Not having the product's description at an a glance increases probability of human error and would require extra work to ensure the correct item is selected.
Category: Sales and marketing
This would be very beneficial. It would reduce the number of errors and be a huge time saver.
Category: Sales and marketing
This would save a lot of time and avoid confusion when updating trade agreement pricing.
Category: Sales and marketing
I would also like to see the product name added next to the item number in the trade agreement. This is extremely helpful when mass updating thousands of items in the system.
Category: Sales and marketing
This would save time and avoid possible errors when updating trade agreement pricing.
Category: Sales and marketing
This would save time and avoid confusion when updating trade agreement pricing.
Category: Sales and marketing
This would save a lot of time and avoid risk when mass updating trade agreement pricing.
Category: Sales and marketing
Administrator on 12/10/2021 10:58:00 AM
Thank you very much for your input. We do not have any plans to extend this capability, we will however continue to monitor how much in demand such a capability is.