Many times, customers already know which group or queue they'd like to assign an interaction into once they've transferred it to the engagement hub. Rather than setting up a global variable in PVA bot, a variable in the workstream and then a routing rule to handle assigning the item to a queue based on the variable - we should tweak the PVA Bot designer to allow the author to select a queue to assign in the Omnichannel Engagement Hub. This would eliminate several configuration steps that likely would happen repeatedly. Once the item is handed over, then the workstream based rules and routing would kick in with the exception we already know what queue the assignment goes to.

In addition, we could also possibly give additional options that are AI based to streamline the handoff workflow.

Ideas Administrator

You can make use of route-to-queue rules to achieve this. Please refer to this for more details - Configure route-to-queue rules | Microsoft Learn


PM, Microsoft