Need the ability to transfer the job planning lines from a job quote to a purchase order. Often with jobs, the job quote planning lines end up being the basis for a purchase order. Having the ability to autocreate a PO (similar to the autocreate of the sales order) would eliminate double entry.
Category: Purchasing
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the feedback. We will look into this for a future release.



We use the Order Planning functionality for this. It will calculate for "Job Demand" and propose a list of items to purchase.

Category: Purchasing


It is indeed very expected from a job! As commented, the manual intervention is time consuming because it's a double work, but there is also a big risk of errors with this manipulation!Regarding the reservation system, it's really tricky; however, the reservation doesn't work because you can set the Job No. and the Job Task No. in the purchase lines. These 2 systems cannot work together; however, when the items are assigned to the job, they are not valorised in the inventory because it's done by adjustment in the job itself.Unfortunately, you may set the Job No. and the Job Task No when you PO is done manually... and not when you use a requisition worksheet because there is a ordering entry which blocks the job fields in the PO :( Today I see the status "under review" on this idea... dating from 2018! When could we expect this improve in production??

Category: Purchasing


This would be very useful.

Our design team add all the job planning lines required for a project and then our purchasing team have to manually raise a purchase order for each vendor and each item on a planning line - very time consuming and double data entry!

The functionality should be available for jobs, not just job quotes.

Given that an item can have a preferred supplier; why not produce suggested purchase orders that can be updated if required and released - now that would be a big productivity gain!

Category: Purchasing


Yes it would be a very nice and critical functionality. And as explained in the description it is also very useful to link the job planning lines to sales order especially to have the ability to ship items for a job from sales order (and print a document) and all other shipment/warehouse functionalities for stock management which are only available from sales orders.

Category: Purchasing


It would be nice if the Reorder Policy was "Order" if it would allow you to not only create the PO from the Job Planning Line but also reserve the items on the resulting PO to the Job Planning Line.

Category: Purchasing


I agree the ability to create a purchase order, just like you can create a sales invoice, from a planning line would be very, very helpful. You are entering a job, and it only make sense you create the purchase order "in line" to avoid double entry.

Category: Purchasing


I think you can use Requisition Worksheet to automate purchasing from an open Job, but not from a quote or a Job still in draft mode.

Category: Purchasing


If I understand it correctly, is it about purchasing of external services for a job (items of "Service" type). We are also looking for such possibility.

Category: Purchasing


I need it too. It is very useful and fast. Please, add it to the next release.

Category: Purchasing