I've recently come across an issue in both D365FO and Financial reporter when searching on a Voucher number. my voucher number was 2020-####. However when I put in a range of 2020-0001..2020-9999, this also brought back data which is from another number sequence which was 2020-7######.

In D365FO filters, when you use a range, it will not only do a "BETWEEN" search, but it will also do a Begins with search. This is also causing problems within Financial reporter. When I use a Row Modifier with the range being 2020-0001..2020-9999, this also assumes that it needs to include all data that is 2020-#######. so this makes the financial reports incorrect. At the moment the only way to over come this is to either put a Prefix, suffix, use another constant to make this sequence slightly different, or to generate another unique sequence completely.

So can I request that the search be corrected to only look at the length of characters entered or a new wildcard that lets us stop how long a search string could be.
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