We have had two instances now where our SQL database was moved to different availability zones. This process is automated on MS side.

But when this occurs we end up with a bundle of business events that get 'stuck' in the AX framework database and we end up having to create a SEV A ticket to get script run to fix/clear the bundle issue.

This process needs to be automated and cleared since the proceeding step is already automated and as a customer we have no visibility into changes of availability zones.

Business events are a critical piece of our business processes and directly impacts our deliveries to end customers.

Category: General



Two things I think should be covered with this feature/idea enhancment:Business events framework should auto-detect any bundles that are stuck.Business events framework should also alert the customer about the stuck bundle and what was done to resolve the issue.

Category: General


Below is the script that needs to be run in order to fix the stuck bundle:select FirstRecId=MIN(RECID), LastRecId=MAX(RECID), COUNT=COUNT(RECID) from BUSINESSEVENTSCOMMITLOG with (nolock) select * from BUSINESSEVENTSBUNDLE with (nolock) select * from BUSINESSEVENTSBUNDLEQUEUE with (nolock) select FirstRecId=MIN(FIRSTRECID), LastRecId=MAX(LASTRECID) from BUSINESSEVENTSBUNDLEQUEUE with (nolock)

Category: General