When creating new project in the Project->Tasks tab we have to add the standard columns such as Start, Finish, Effort etc. using Add Column option. Will be nice if we can define what columns we need to see in a settings area so that we don't need to repeat the same when creating new project.
Under Review



Yes please! This is a basic functionality I think all companies would benefit largely from!The same goes for setting default Lables, Buckets, Sprints, Conditional Coloring, etc. It would be super nice if Microsoft could update and put effort into the Project Tasks in the new Task tab of a project. We would really like to be able to customize some fields, add other Project Tasks related fields and set default values for project creation. Thanks!

Category: Project Planning and Tracking


Heck, even just adding Start / Finish / Effort as default columns would be nice.

Category: Project Planning and Tracking


Yes, gives a way to create, say a View that holds the fields we wish to display. It is so annoying to have to create a new template/Copy Project just to get this. Not to mention that Copy Project takes forever to load the new project! Thanks.

Category: Project Planning and Tracking