I have a setting on Procurement and sourcing > Setup > Distribution > Terms of delivery
for taking the Sales tax group from Delivery address. However, those situations where Sales tax group is needed from Delivery address, are not as frequent as from the Customer account. Now if I make a sales order for customer that has no Sales tax group on Delivery address, order has no Sales tax group at all and this is a huge mistake because the VAT calculation fails.

Could you change the behavior so that
1) If we have setup Sales tax address setup for certain address type (Terms of Delivery)
2) Certain address on Customer does not have sales tax group, D365 is fetching the Sales tax group from Customer account if the address' Sales tax group is empty?
Ideas Administrator

Thank you very much for your input. We do not have any plans to extend this capability. As there has been no increase in demand for such a capability over the past 23 months , and remains at 4 votes, we will decline this feature request.