There would be a great support if source name can be see on general ledger entry. Currently source number is available but user couldn't able to know where it belongs to.
Needs Votes



Must have.

Category: Financial Management


Every accountant wants this!! It is quite usual to want to see the vendor names and customer names in the G/L when reconciling

Category: Financial Management


Not just source name, but how about the other fields that are already there but can't be added as a column, like journal batch name, etc. Fields that exist in the filter need to be made available to add as a column in General Ledger Entries window or any other Ledger Entries window. These windows are used extensively for reporting and analysis.

Category: Financial Management


I also vote for this Idea. There is already the possibility to see customer name on customer ledger entries (if the parameter is activated in the sales&receivables setup) and the same with the vendor name on VLE. But you can not see the customer or vendor name on the general ledger entries. This would be helpful for example if an external accountant would like to quickly check the purchase invoice postings. Therefore he scrolls trough the GLE of the cost accounts and sees a description, amount and related vendor name.

Category: Financial Management


I agree that this is a suggestion that is a must have. Until it is remedied maybe you can try this extension, I have installed it for us and it does the job for us. https://objects4nav.com/glsourcenamesRegardsKatarina

Category: Financial Management