Foreign Currency revaluation in Cash & Bank Management in UK localisation is a much sought after functionality for clients, and the absence of it in an ERP, often goes speechless while interacting with clients. The functionality exists in Russian localisation, however revalues from 'Transaction currency' to 'Accounting currency', which seems logically incorrect. The function should revalue bank currency to accounting currency, as the transaction currency would already have converted to bank and subsequently to accounting currency upon posting. This functionality is desperately needed in the UK localisation

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to the following reason: The feature for bank revaluation was delivered as a standard feature for all countries. Please find more details in the topic: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/finance/cash-bank-management/bank-revaluation



Anastasia Yashenina

PM, Microsoft