When setting up permissions for a user and assigning their permission sets it would be useful to have a button that lets you impersonate their permissions. Then you can check that those permissions allow the user to complete the tasks they need. Then cancel the impersonation so that you go back to being a super user. If you post anything while impersonating the permissions, it should post against your name, not the user whose permissions you are testing.

Category: General



Agreed, this would be huge for partners setting up security, especially when we do not have access to their Active Directory.

Category: General


Yes, that would be really great and very helpful!

Category: General


Great idea! This would be extremely helpful for setting up and testing user permissions. Currently we have to use a dummy AD account for testing, which involves temporarily assigning licenses and permissions, and then changing them to test different user access levels, etc. Being able to quickly impersonate an existing user would be so much more efficient.

Category: General