Create a way to organize content based upon the area you work in. Currently there is only a "search field" and a sort drop down. Currently looking at the Images library and the image "download" shows what appears to be a pump, "fixed door plate2" shows someone wiping up a surface.

Naming convention only goes so far as long as the approvers/authors enforce it.

General items can be: Screws, hand tools, connectors, plumbing fittings, etc. - these can be shared by all. these should include sizes or type if necessary to help users identify what it is: EX: M4x10 (panhead) PH Screw

Toolsets are setup by functional areas:
Enable something like:
* Functional Area or Tool Type: EX: PLx (different areas may also use the same tool so images, etc would apply.)
** Tool Section - Tools have different functional sections: EX: Polisher, Cleaner, Computers HW/SW, tool sections based upon functions performed
*** Tool Sub-Section - Different tool functional sections EX: (Within Polisher) - head, table, dresser, chemical

This way the items can be grouped as needed. Currently its a free for all, search thousands of items and you may find what you want.
Category: General
Needs Votes