Today, I can only add simple text to a re-usable content block. There are several instances for almost all customers to have advanced content blocks that include images, forms, dividers, links, different layouts (columns/rows). The content block is very useful IF it can include the proper content. Please enhance the content block to contain more than simple text.
Category: Personalization
Ideas Administrator

Content blocks now support layouts, text, buttons, and more (July 2022 release)
Please see Work with reusable content blocks (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs



This is a FANTASTIC suggestion and a feature that is offered on many alternative marketing platforms. Marketers want the ability to customize every aspect of their campaign. Allowing us the opportunity to have advanced content blocks would be a BIG win.

Category: Personalization


Yeah i voted for this idea. It will make life of a E-mail marketeer easier to have the posibility to use the same workspace and html settings as in the normal e-mail template within the content block

Category: Personalization