D365 Customer Engagement minor service updates are released on weekly region by region https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/released-versions/dynamics-365ce#all-version-availability. It seems that the update is always done on Friday (at least here in Europe)

If there is a bug or an issue in the update that is installed on Friday, the timing is not ideal for investigating the situation and fixing the issue as weekend is starting. I have recent experience of situation where all instances were affected by a bug in the service update done on Friday as the update is not deployed first to dev and test and only after that to production (like in major updates) but instead all instances were updated with the buggy release at the same time.

Hence, I'd like to know if the updates are released always on Friday and if there's any chance to change the date to e.g. Monday so that they could better react to changes? Moreover, is the only way react to possible issues before the update moving test and dev instances or a sandbox instance to another region that receives the update earlier so the impact of the update can be tested in advance
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