We are a DFP whitelabeler who has a large opportunity of hundreds of enterprise customers meaning we have very sensitive data that we need to deal with and customers and prospects who are intimately aware of that leading to enhanced visibility on our teams to ensure that the data is secure at all times.

When we are dealing with historical data uploads, the main issues for us come from a lack of a direct data pipeline meaning we have to manually extract data from a customer or prospect's environment, and then follow the current manual process of uploading said data. This process currently involves requesting a key share, navigating through Azure, several clicks and so on. This process is not something that we can expose to our customers, nor do we appear to be well integrated in the eyes of those customers as we have to:

  1. Request user access to their environments since any human user touching data is a liability. This means our Engineering team needs to be involved per Security requirements.
  2. Engineers extracting and uploading data is lost efficiency on our end.
  3. The process of provisioning the environment, extracting the data, uploading the data, etc., is all cumbersome and can be slowed down by human users at any step in the flow if the steps aren't handled immediately. Currently, this is taking us multiple days from the time the POC is agreed upon because of processes and timezones.
  4. Since there are delays in each step, Sales teams are requesting daily project updates and we don't have project managers, meaning this is also a team sink on my end as a Product Manager who should be focused elsewhere.
  5. Every manual step is prone to error.
  6. The perception from our customers is that we are not tightly integrated because we claim both are our systems but this process highlights how disconnected we are.

Our request is that a more streamlined data pipeline can be created so that we can sync data from our environment to DFP without needing human intervention to upload historical data.
