For put away location directives, there are really 2 strategies that work together. Either Consolidate, or Empty with no Incoming Work. In our operation this leave a gap for locations that hold multiple pallets.

We create a lot of work before that work is completed. When selecting locations, the system will attempt to consolidate any physical inventory in a location. After doing so, it will fall to the next line where you can specify Empty with no work strategy to speed things up. However, If you do that and then create a 2nd work, it will see the 1st incoming work and fail that location and leave empty space.

For this reason, I think either Consolidate should include the incoming work (so we put 2, 4, 6, 12, 13, 20 pallet location capacity inventory together efficiently) or there should be a 2nd Consolidate that specifies it includes incoming work in the calculation.

As it stands, we have to specify none in order to utilize all available space, which is super inefficient. Consolidate looking at only on hand and incoming work would be a small selection that would speed up our process considerably.
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in "Consolidate including incoming work location directive action strategy". 

Please refer to the following link for more information:




Per Lynnerup

PM, Microsoft



I just saw this in Yammer and realized this is finally happening!! Super excited!

Category: Warehouse Management


Great idea! And I believe it is soon to be included!!!

Category: Warehouse Management


This is crucial for optimal utilization of locations, where multiple pallets can be stocked on one location

Category: Warehouse Management


This is really needed for optimal utilization of locations. Useful in processes where multiple pallets go into one location. But also useful in processes where multiple receipts on the mobile device are done against the same order line. This happens when suppliers or carriers spread out the goods over multiple boxes or pallets for example. Also needed when the same item is on multiple order lines or purchase orders. Now sourcing is a world wide problem due to the pandemic it often happens that demands are fulfilled with more than one purchase order. These orders can arrive at the same time. And a lot more scenarios can be thought of!

Category: Warehouse Management


This is indeed for the moment an important shortcoming of the strategy Consolidate. At the moment when for example license plates are received with similar items we cannot guarantee that put away work will be created to the same location, when multiple pallets are allowed on 1 location. Even if we receive all pallets at once and not pallet per pallet for example. If your location directive strategy must be set in such a way that first the system must try to consolidate and if no location is found, the system must search for an empty location with no incoming work, with current functionality a different location will be selected when receiving multiple pallets at once. Resulting in multiple location filled with the same item and manual work to move all pallets again to one location.

Category: Warehouse Management