Business Use Case

Our users are using the app on a daily basis to document works completion on the ground. Currently, when users take and add photos or upload photos/documents, only the GPS location of the first point where they took the photo/photo uploaded is collected. While there are GPS co-ordinates for each photo taken, Field Service /Dynamics App is not able to store all of the GPS co-ordinates. This means that while GPS data is available for all photo, Field Service/Dynamics App is not able to make use of all of the GPS data and correspondingly the location of where each photo is taken cannot be displayed on the map. This hampers the user's productivity given the volume of work and time spent on verify the location where each images was taken


Business Impact

We estimate that there are about 30 current users, covering about 30 sites per day, each site having about 10 photos on average. Say the estimated time taken to verify the location of each photo is around 10 secs, the estimated business impact/lost in productivity is very significant at around 750 hours per month or 9,000 hours per year.


Feature Request/Suggestion

For Field Service/Dynamics App to be able to capture the GPS co-ordinates of each photo so that we can display the location of each photo on a map.


Frankly, our users are complaining that these basic issues are hampering their productivity every single day, it is really painful for them and we urge your help please. 


Most modern systems do not have such issue and we are certain Microsoft will not let users down with regards to basic and essential functionality like photo capturing and uploading. Moreover the main purpose of using a system such a dynamics 365 is to enhance productivity but now it seems like it is hampering it.


A quick feature update can really but so helpful in the users's productivity and we will really appreciate that this can be looked into urgently. Really appreciate it.

Category: General