After a new Work Order is created and a Primary Incident Type populated, at least the following records get populated into the new Work Order coming from the Primary Incident: - Work Order Products - Work Order Services - Work Order Service Tasks - Characteristics If a User changes the Primary Incident Type lookup on the Work Order form, non of the mentioned sub-records gets removed or replaced with those of the new Primary Incident Type. Leading to i.e. Service Tasks which are usually thought to be related to the first Incident Type but now get related to the second new Incident Type. That creates some funny constellations. => If a User replaces the value of the Primary Incident Type field, a warning should appear as if a User deleted a non-primary Incident: "The incident can't be deleted. Delete the associated service tasks and try again.". => After the User has populated a new Primary Incident Type into the field of the Work Order, also the Service Tasks etc. of the new Primary Incident Type should be populated into the Work Order.
Administrator on 6/22/2019 12:01:47 AM
Thank you for your feedback.
Since we support the concept of multiple Work Order Incidents per Work Order, this would likely cause some additional complexity. While it is not our expected scenario, it is possible that there are customers that use the Primary Incident field to apply multiple incident types. For those customers this would be a breaking change.
As this doesn't seem to be an overwhelming need, this would cause an unpredictable change for existing customers that have come to understand how it currently works, and that a customer that wants it to work in this way could consider adding additional validations to make the system operate in this way, we won't plan to make this change at the product level.
However, we welcome your thoughts on ways the system should be improved and we hope you will keep providing additional suggestions in the future.
-Jason Cohen
(Microsoft PM)